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Research Projects Consulting Innovation Collaboration Imagination Fastlab Cambridge Collaboration

We are alive in a time when the world as we knew it, together with our faith in the future, is disappearing. New uncertainties for individuals, society and the planet are now hallmarks of the so-called Anthropocene - the ‘New Normal’. If we are to attain sustainable economic growth alongside balanced social and environmental development, we need to radically rethink how businesses, government and NGOs can create value through creativity and innovation. Creativity that is rooted in sustainable social, economic, environmental, and cultural practices.

FASTlab is a gateway to the University of Newcastle’s internationally recognised research centres, the expertise of staff, students and graduates and the outstanding facilities the University has to offer.

If you have an idea or challenge you want to talk through or need us to help scope the project for, or want to find out more about our other funded activities, contact us at